Should I Continue to Pump if My Feet Are Swollen

  • #1

So I have been pumping my penis now for a little over a month. It's been an on and off thing because I keep getting bruises on my shaft. Well my penis healed again, so today I decided to pump my penis with a condom on. I figured it would help prevent the bruising, acting as a protective barrier to my sensitive skin.

Well it worked! No bruises! But now my penis looks ridiculous. I pumped twice, eight minutes a piece. The shape of my head is different, my foreskin is swollen, and my penis skin feels thick. Is this normal?

My penis is definitely the thickest it has ever been, but it also looks.. eh, not so good. When I pump without a condom on, I don't get much of a girth gain at all... mostly just bruising.

I am seeking long term girth gains. Should I continue to pump with a condom on (maybe just not as long) or go back to pumping raw? The girth gain was impressive, but I didn't like the way my penis looked and felt.

  • #3

You are pumping too hard for too long. Reduce time and or pressure. And build up to it.

I've had one case of swollen foreskin when I first started pumping for 25 minutes. It has since never happened and that same suction level. You will condition yourself in time.



Sr. Admin, ΦWizardΦ, White Tiger Award 2015
  • #4

No gauge to indicate VACUUM level ?

Maybe you could connect one in line to the cylinder, or shop around for one equipped.



Senior Super Moderator, PEGym Hero
  • #5

Rule of thumb to avoid the "doughnut effect" is to keep the vacuum level under 5 hg and time under vacuum under 20 minutes and even then, you foreskin can get a bit swollen for an hour or so.

  • #6

Its so weird tho because when I pump without a condom on, I can pump longer and the only thing that happens is my dick turns purple. Should I start wearing the condom when I pump?

  • #7

Purple? Umm that's not good. Sounds like a circulation issue. How long have you been pumping?

  • #8

Roughly a month. Once I take it out, it starts to regain its color. It wasn't as bad when I had the condom on. BTW I am using the HYDROMAX 7. I am not sure what its max pressure is, but I try to max it out.

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Senior Super Moderator, PEGym Hero
  • #9

Without a vacuum gauge, you should pump up until you feel slight discomfort and then back of slightly.

I have pumped for up to an hour at 5 hg or below and never experienced a purple dick.

  • #10

I pump the Bathmate up to as high as it'll go. I don't feel any discomfort and I am not really getting results. I believe I am doing everything correct. I am about 80% hard in the tube. I haven't been able to get up to 100%... I think I need a woman present for that!

  • #11

I took off the comfort ring and now I am seeing some results from the pump. I am not sure how to feel about it.. My dick kinda looks weird.

  • #12

I pump the Bathmate up to as high as it'll go. I don't feel any discomfort and I am not really getting results. I believe I am doing everything correct. I am about 80% hard in the tube. I haven't been able to get up to 100%... I think I need a woman present for that!

You don't have to pump at full strength all the time.
That can take practice to get to 100% erection without much external stimulation. It is part of the training too.

  • #13

Okay. I'll try pumping at a lower level... Should I stay in it longer? Say... 10 minutes instead of 5 since I will not be putting as much pressure on my penis?

Also, how long until I start seeing girth gains after a pump? My dick definitely feels a little different afterwards, but I am not experiencing "pumped up girth gains".

  • #15

What kind of stretching do you recommend I do? I am eager for some girth gains!


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